
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ordinary pictures are just as good

When you go on trips (vacations, school/work-related trips, or really anything outside of your home), you would initially think of taking pictures of things that wowed you. Things that are impressive, like the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Grand Canyon, and the Golden Pavilion (below), are definitely beautiful and awe-inspiring, but unless you bring your own style to the image, these kinds of pictures can end up looking like postcards. I went to Japan two years ago to meet up with family and we went sightseeing. I took pictures that I am proud of because they are visually appealing, but I have no personal connection to them.

On the other hand, I took pictures of an average Japanese road with generic houses and average people. This picture (below) speaks to me on an emotional level because I can remember walking down these streets to get to train stations, restaurants, and malls. I feel nostalgic looking at this picture, but I feel virtually nothing looking at the picture above.

The next time you go on a trip, whether it be out of your country or out of your town, take tons of pictures of the huge amazing things, but don't neglect the little ordinary things. The ordinary things are usually the ones that speak to you on a personal level.

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